Sunday 17 October 2010

Off The Land...

I don't know about you, but nothing is quite as yummy, or as exciting as when you eat something straight out of the ground in your garden. Now the season is coming to an end, my tomato plants are withering and everything looks overly plucked.

But there's one thing in the garden that produces and produces, all year round.

My beautiful Buff Orpington chickens are an absolute joy. I could look at them all year round, playing around amongst the grass and in the bushes.

And when I put on my wellies late at night and treck down to the pen, there is nothing quite as exciting as finding a little present from my beloved friends.

I have never, ever bought anything other than Organic eggs from the supermarket (when I need more than my chicks can produce) but they never taste quite as good as the ones from the bottom of my garden. Dont you agree? Having recently bought ducks also, I am super excited to create some recipes which involve my new duck eggs.

So if you don't facy a puppy or kitten for Christmas, go for a couple of hens. Having incubated the chicks myself, raising them from small makes it even more exciting.

Trust me.

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