Friday 26 November 2010

Seduced by Julie and Julia

'Julia Child began learning to cook when she was thirty-seven years
old.  She started because she wanted to feed her husband Paul.  She
started because though she’d fallen in love with great food late, when
she did she’d fallen hard.  She started because she was in Paris.  She
started because she didn’t know what else to do.'
(Taken from Official Julie/Julia Blog)   

Just the other night the movie Julie and Julia was on Sky. Without even thinking about it I decided to record it to watch at another time. I kept putting it off but yesterday when the temperature seemed to hit -12 I made a cup of tea  and snuggled down to watch it.

At first I just thought it would be a well-acted (It did star Meryl) and slightly funny take on a true story. Well by the end, I was completely smitten - with the idea, with the blog, with the cooking and with the whole project in general.

Julie, a 30 year old woman sets herself a project to make every one of Child's recipes from her incredibly famous book 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking.'

The story is truly inspirational and a little sad at times. Documenting all of her trimuphs and lows in a blog: The Julie/Julia project, millions upon millions of people went on daily to see how she was getting on.

The film ended and I just felt inspired. Now, Julie and Julia never actually met (can't help but feel disatisfied at that) but Julie felt like she knew her.

Well of course I was seduced by the film and bought the book. It was dispatched this morning and I cannot wait to see all of the wonderful recipes.

I will test them out and let you know how I get on. In the mean time, watch the film. It's not a masterpiece but you do feel good at the end.

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