Tuesday 2 November 2010

The Perfect Chip

Yes, yes, everybody loves a posh knees-up every now and then. But from most people i speak to, the general consensus is that a good, old-fashioned, well-cooked meal is what really hits the spot.

And what is more homemade, or more delicious than the perfectly roasted ... chip. Yes, I know, not very 'a la carte' but they taste good, fill you up and are great on these dark winter nights (it feels like midnight right now, not nearly 7pm!)

When it comes to chips it is fair to say that pretty much any potato can be used - if you're not fussy. But who isn't fussy? Not many people. So if you are competing in a chip-a-thon or want to make your spuds d-e-licous then check out my 'no nonsense' guide to the perfect, chip.

Trust me, once you've tried this you will never go back to the old out-of-the-freezer-packet. They just don't taste the same, do they? Enjoy and as always - good luck!

1. 1.5kg of Rooster Spuds.
2. 400ml Olive Oil.
3. Seasoning.

1. Grab a sharp knife and cut into similar, chip-like shapes. Do not make some thick and some thin as you will struggle to find an even cooking time.
2. Rinse off the starch.
3. Bring a large pan of water to the poil, pop the chips in and cook until a knife is easily inserted (but not so that they fall apart and Mash is nearly formed).
4. Bring the chips out of the pan. Do not drain them, bring them out with a spoon - ensure all moisture is gone and pop onto paper towels.
5. Pat them - softly and ensure that no paper towel is left behind.
6. Heat up the oil, slowly.
7. Place the chips on an oven tray and drizzle the now hot oil on them.
8. Season.
9. Place in a pre-heated oven (200), turn once and cook until golden brown.
10. Enjoy with dip!

Now, some people attempt this 'twice cooked' recipe, for me, this isn't really necessary. Enjoy!

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