Wednesday 10 November 2010

Look What I Found on the Doorstep!

Okay, I didn't really find it on the doorstep, but it did get delivered today:

Can you make out what that is? Can you? Can you? Well for those of you that can't ... it's our Christmas turkey. Despite not eating meat, the rest of my family do and so it is turkey as usual at the dinner table - there really is no convincing them otherwise.

This year we went for the frozen option. Over the years we have tried fresh and we have tried frozen. If they're perfectly honest (I'm afraid I can't judge) they say there is no difference - if anything they say that a frozen is often more tender when cooked very, very slowly.

But instead of the grand turkey that we usually go for this year we have simply opted for a crown. Yes, we know it's not quite the same in terms of presentation but we weighed it up and decided it would just make life easier and would save somebody waking up at the crack of dawn to turn the turkey on.

Next on my Christmas aganda: finding a suitable recipe for our turkey. Any recommendations? I'm thinking maybe stuffed with sausage? Not entirely sure yet. Time to get thinking!

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