Sunday 7 November 2010

Christmas Cake Extravaganza

Christmas cakes are quite a faf to make, but when they're made = perfection. They are completely worth the effort and although you may feel as though it's quite a chore, when it comes to Christmas lunch and you whip out your cakes (lots of mini ones as opposed to one big one) you will be so pleased  you did.

Ingredients: To Make 12 Mini Xmas Cakes:
1. 500g Raisins.
2. 250g Currants.
3. 125g Glace Cherries.
4. 100g Chopped Walnuts.
5. 300ml Brandy.
6. 225g Butter.
7. 140g Dark Brown Sugar.
8. 1.5 Teaspoons of Grated Lemon Zest.
9. 3 Large Organic Eggs.
10. 1.5 Tablespoons of Black Treacle.
11. 0.5 Teaspoons Almond Essence.
12. 225g Plain Flour.
13. 120g Ground Almonds.
14. 0.25 Teaspoon Ground Cloves.
15. 1 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon,
16. 0.25 Teaspoon Ground Ginger.
17. 12 Tins (I would advise you buy very small tins, much like the photo below, remove the label and you then have your tins! Make sure you avoid ones with the ridges)

Temperature: 150.

Recipe for Greatness:
1. Pop all the dried fruit into a large saucepan - throw in the brandy. Bring this to the boil, turn off the heat, cover with lid and leave it with the lid on overnight.
2. Ensure the eggs and butter are at room temperature so take them quite a few hours before you begin.
3. Mix the butter and sugar together until nice and creamy! Beat in the lemon zest.
4. Place in the organic eggs - one at a time. Beat well. Then, beat in the treacle and almond.
5. Put the almonds, cloves, cinnamon, ginger and walnuts together. Mix in the overnight mixture, along with the mixture created in step 3. Combine thoroughly then add the pecans.

6. Bring out your washed and dried pea tins! Ensure they are greased and lined. Put into the oven for 30-40 minutes until skewer is clean.
7. Cool and brush with a little brandy to spice it up!
8. Choose a topping of your choice! Prefer it plain? Or try a marzipan topping.
9. Pop a little ribbon around to serve.
10. Enjoy with brandy cream.

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