Tuesday 21 September 2010

Charlie Le Mindu Naked Models? Oh Please...

There are some things that are fashionably cool...and some that are totally unnecessary. Charlie Le Mindu has been the first person ever to send his models down the runway, naked. Yes you read right, completely and utterly stark naked (except the fabulous heels, ofcourse).
Yes I do understand that he is a headdress designer, but is this truy necessary? The hats are fab, but the naked body's?
Who would have known where to look?
Well boy, everybody is talking about you now! Mission accomplished, I guess.


  1. definitely got everybody talking and thats what matters in the end i think! its quite a good idea to JUST wear the items they selling... and whats fashion week without a bit of controversy? ;) lolxx

  2. I guess you're right, we thought we'd seen it all...we really have now!
