Sunday 27 February 2011

Time to Accessorize

Did everybody see my search for the perfect wedding dress last week? Well if not, get yourself over and have a little peek!

Well, on the same note, I thought I'd share with you my little (well, not really so little) headband which just seems to put the outfit together perfectly:

Isn't it completely brilliant? The decision must now be made in terms of how best to wear my hair with the headband - didn't quite think that one through when I was impulsively buying the headband in the beautiful Instant Vintage in Bath, did I?  I am currrently going with the loosely put up, few strands around the face kind-of-thing, as always, I'll let you know how that one pans out!

The shoes are also decided. Oh the excitement of getting dressed up and throwing confetti! (Natural confetti only, naturally!)

In other news, it's Sunday night which = roast dinner time!

Always, always remember, never just simply pull your chicken out the wrapper and throw it in the oven. No, no, no. Instead, follow these perfect roasting tips:

1. Pile a lot of your veg into your chicken. Sod peeling, slicing, dicing, just simply chop roughly and stuff.
2. Drizzle chicken with oil, season and drizzle a little lemon. Place this same lemon up the chicken.
3. Place the remainder of the veg into your roasting tin and place the chicken on top.
4. Cook (depending on size) until ready, baste the chicken half way through and cook the remaining potatoes as you see fit.
5. When cooked, cover and rest for 30 minutes.
6. P.S...Always eat free range!

Night night x

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